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Deciding to embrace a minimalist lifestyle means eliminating the superfluous and appreciating more of what we already own.

For many, at first glance, it may seem like depriving yourself of something. In reality, it’s just the opposite. You have to “deprive yourself” of what you really don’t need at all.

In a society based purely on consumerism, deciding to embrace a minimalist lifestyle is definitely not an easy choice. However, considering the benefits it can bring to our daily lives, it is certainly a very beneficial step to take.

“In 90% of cases an object will not make us happy”.

We are constantly bombarded by advertisements that try to instill in us and sell us a particular product or service. Even society itself and the lifestyle that most of us lead makes us think that everything is necessary for our well-being and happiness.

If we stop for a moment to reflect, however, all this is absolutely superfluous and useless. In 90% of cases an object will not make us happy. Thanks to this pandemic and the lockdown that ensued I realized many things and objects in my life are superfluous. That’s why I decided to try and embrace a minimalist lifestyle. In this post I’ll talk about the reasons why I decided to do this and all the benefits it can bring to our lives.


Before we start digging into the subject, we need to understand what minimalism is. Simply put, minimalism is the art of removing the superfluous and focusing attention on what really matters.

So trying to follow a minimalist lifestyle means eliminating distractions by trying to appreciate more of what we already have and removing things or people that don’t add value to our lives.

It is not an easy goal to achieve. it requires a lot of dedication and willpower  since we are surrounded by distractions.

So first, we need to focus on the improvements and benefits that this can bring to our daily lives.
Next, we need to set daily goals for ourselves by decluttering things, people and activities.

From the moment we have eliminated superfluous and meaningless things we will be able to start building our life as a minimalist.


According to the gurus of minimalism it has the power to make life much lighter and happier. The benefits are clearly subjective but some are common for everyone.

  • Tidiness

    The first point, the most important to me, is tidiness. We are surrounded and inundated with objects. I believe that only 5% of them are really essential. Now that I’m looking for a house and consequently I’ll have to face a move, I’m realizing how many useless objects I have. I am already sure that when I buy my new home I will furnish it in a minimalist way. This does not mean not owning anything but having the necessities. I don’t want to chase fashions that after one season are already obsolete. Rather, I want to own objects that will last over time.

  • Intentional living

    Intentional living means being the real masters of yourself.
    Sometimes we are slaves to the objects, society or people. Understanding what we need and getting rid of superfluous things will make us realize what we really need and we will follow our path without wasting time. It’s enough to possess objects only for the security that maybe one day we will need them. If we haven’t used these things until now it means that we don’t need them. Start to appreciate what you have.

    Read more: Which meditation app is the best

  • More time

    Eliminating the superfluous will consequently increase the time available for ourselves and for the things that are really important. For example, if we are invited to a business aperitif to which we do not want to participate we must learn to say no. Refusing that uncomfortable invitation will give us more time to devote to a hobby, such as working out, or simply to other people.

  • Less stress

    Fewer things and people around you would have consequently also less thoughts.

  • Less waste

    Of money and especially of space time and energy. How many times do we find ourselves going shopping, spending a lot and then having to throw away something because it has gone bad? By buying less and at regular intervals we could save money and above all not waste food.
    We will therefore learn to use the available resources in a thoughtful way.

  • Richness

    Clearly, if we can only spend money on goods that we really need, our bank account will benefit. You can’t even imagine how much money I saved by simply stopping buying unnecessary clothes I didn’t need.
    Or, just avoiding checking online shopping web sites.

    I have a whole section on my blog about minimalist outfits. If you click on the OOTD section you’ll see that all the outfits I create are almost always made up of the same iconic pieces interchanged by them. #mindfulfashion


Although embracing a minimalist lifestyle would seem very difficult to achieve in a society based on consumerism I assure you it is not impossible. You should start slowly, step by step, beginning with the most mundane things. For example, I started with shopping. I set myself goals such as: do not buy anything for a month. You will see that slowly it will be much easier.

Also, reading motivational books on minimalism or following gurus will help you so much.

Last but not least, minimalism is not simply about shopping or material things. It encompasses many more aspects of life that you will discover along the way.

Would you like to start a minimalist life?


minimalist lifestyle

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