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Overeat during christmas holidays

The biggest problem that’s plaguing us, right now, besides running out buying Christmas presents in a very short amount of time left, is trying to find a way to not overeating during Christmas holidays.
This comes up exactly every year and, almost every time, we start out with resolutions that we don’t punctually follow. So, we find ourselves every end of December damning ourselves for eating a little too much and gaining quite a few pounds.

This post is the result of so many years of overeating during Christmas holidays. It is the perfect guide, verified after many many mistakes, that will help you to eat, including desserts and junk food, without feeling guilty.

Related post: Christmas 2020 gift guide !

                       How to Recover After Overeating!


There are many reason why we overeat. Probably the majority of the reasons are stress and boredom.

However, since discovering the functional diet, I’ve realized that the number one problem, not to be underestimated, is absolutely sugar. Consuming too much sugar will cause us to always be hungry and need more and more sugar. Kind of like a drug. Not surprisingly, it’s often called the “white drug“.

Another reason is that we very often eat too fast. If we ate more slowly, we would give our brains more time to realize we are full.


Who doesn’t splurge sometimes or indulges in their favorite meal, are unable to enjoy life to its fullest. One among the most beautiful things this life can give us is, in my opinion, eating. I am someone who is very careful about the figure.

I like to eat healthy and exercise a lot because it makes me feel really good. But at the same time, it’s just as good for me as to treat myself. You have to, in fact you have to treat yourself to your favorite dish sometimes and I love doing that at the end of a week of workouts and a healthy diet. I see that my body, if I don’t indulge every now and then, reacts poorly. I don’t know how to explain it, but if I want to lose weight, for example, without indulging two times a week, I can’t lose weight easily.
On the contrary, if I do, my body reacts positively and I see great results both in terms of weight and muscle after workouts.

In this way, my body knows that on the weekend it is going to receive treats and will be easier for it to recover because he knows it.

So the first thing to get in your mind to avoid overeating during the Christmas holidays is to understand that indulging in food won’t make you fat.When you understand this, you will be able to have a balanced life forever because you will no longer associate healthy food with dieting to lose weight, but you will understand that healthy food is for your own good and you have to eat it for yourself and not just to lose weight.

overeat during Christmas holidays



Don’t take the same plate twice.

The keyword for getting to the goal is moderation. Don’t encore every course. In fact, sample everything (moderate portions) but never take it twice. If, for example, there are two entrees, try them both but they must fit in one plate.If there is dessert, don’t eat it twice.
Tip: Use a small plate instead of a regular one. In this way you’ll trick your brain.

Avoid Carbs the days before.

Since we already know that we will be indulging in carbohydrates the most (pasta, bread and sweets galore), it would be better to follow a detox diet the days before, by avoiding carbohydrates and preferring raw detox veggies such as fennels, chicory and a generous portion of protein and healthy fats ( avocado, olive oil and nuts).

A detox diet is perfect for the days later, when you want to recover. Here you can read about my recover detox diet!

Related post: Celery Juicing detox diet!

Eat Slowly

If we learn to eat slowly it will be a real accomplishment! In fact, in this way we will fill up sooner and consequently eat less. Also, we will be able to digest better, which is a bonus.
If you are one of those who struggles to do it, my tip is to put your fork down between bites, it will help you so much to eat more slowly.


Watch the drinks

Did you know that there are so many extra calories hiding in various drinks (that aren’t water)? Just think that in a can of Coke there are 122 calories and in a glass of wine there are about 83 per 100 grams. If you want to indulge in a good Christmas dessert, I suggest you to avoid alcohol or soft drinks and opt for water.


Don’t arrive hungry at meals!

One of the worst things to do is to arrive at meals super hungry. That way, we’ll eat three times as much food. Instead, you absolutely must snack between meals. Eating dried fruits, such as almonds or nuts in general, will help you get full.

If you are reading this post and you already have overeaten, click here to read how to recover!

Related post: Easiest Lentil Burgers Recipe!

What are your main tips on how to not overeat during Christmas holidays?

Photo by Rachel Park


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