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how to recover after overeating


Here we are, after Christmas vacations where we have been eating like never before, looking for a way to recover after overeating.

If you haven’t already read my latest blog post on how to avoid overeating, and you haven’t followed my tips ( or you simply wanted to eat very much), you can make up for it by reading this post on how to recover after a binge.

The mindset is the same as in the previous post: it’s okay to indulge once in a while. It’s good for your heart, your health, and your mind. The only thing is to know how to start again and, above all, not to feel guilty (also because there is no reason about it).

Me personally, I ate so much on Christmas holidays, but I don’t regret it. If you follow a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis, it won’t take two days to ruin everything.

Related post: How to avoid Overeating.


It usually takes 3 days to fully detoxify after a short period of indulging . So don’t worry, making some bad eating decision is legit and, after all, the recovery is not that long.


1.Be Kind To Yourself!


As I already said before, if you follow a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis, it won’t take two days to ruin everything. I think this step is the key one and that’s why I placed it in pole position. In general in life, the mind set is the one that will help you the most in everything ( or at least for me it was ).


2. Move Your Body!


This is certainly not new. There’s no excuse: you need to exercise at least three times a week. Four would be perfect. I generally like to do Hiit workouts (click here to read the post where I talk about it). After binges on the other hand, I love to start slow , I take long walks at a moderate speed with music in my ears. There’s nothing better for a restart.

Then, the following days, it’s important to resume with your usual workout routine.

Related post: Best Hiit workouts!


3. Don’t skip meals!


As I said in this post, you absolutely should not skip meals, especially not breakfast which is, in my opinion, the most important meal of the day.

Since in these days, when we eat more, the stomach expands, if we skip a meal, we will arrive at the next one super hungry and we will devour anything in our sight.

Moderation is the key word here. If you’re not hungry at breakfast , because you’re still full from dinner before, eat a super light breakfast rather than skipping it altogether.

4. Cut the Carbs


During the first 3 days after overeating, try to reduce your daily carbohydrate intake. This is because usually the biggest snubs we make are on carbs. So, since our body will be addicted to them, it’s best to reduce them to cleanse ourselves first.

So let’s prioritize proteins and vegetables!

What are your tips and tricks to recover after overeating? Let me know them in the comments below.


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