Reasons Why I Won’t Use Dry Shampoo Ever again

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dry shampoo

From the title, you may be wondering why I won’t use dry shampoo ever again and in this post I will explain the various reasons why you shouldn’t as well.

I had become addicted to this wonderful and evil item at the same time. It can save you as well as ruin you. We are used to hearing this phrase: everything but in moderation.Well the more time passes, the more my years pass, the more experience in life I gain and the more I understand that this phrase is nothing but an absolute truth.

I used to use Dry Shampoo in between washes. Sometimes, when I didn’t feel like standing around washing my hair I would put it off by using Dry Shampoo as a rescue. Great, but after a few years of using it I noticed that my hair was getting weaker and weaker. Immediately after using it I was losing a lot of hair but I always blamed it on my food intolerances (unfortunately they also bring hair loss as side effect).

Also, my scalp was itching terribly and one day I said to myself: isn’t it just Dry Shampoo that gives me all these side effects?

Girls, I wasn’t wrong at all, it was really the cause of my woes.


Once you start using Dry Shampoo it is very difficult to get rid of it also because, as you may have noticed, it will really save your life, it will make your hair as clean as if it was the first day of washing, it will help you if you have an important appointment after the gym and you don’t have time to wash your hair.


How I stopped using Dry Shampoo.

Once the pandemic ( and consequently the Lockdown ) began we were all housebound and no longer had the need to have perfect hair every day because no one really needed to look at it. I was washing my hair once every three days minimum, only when it really needed it. It was right after this moment that I saw my hair reborn, it was stronger!

I was able to prolong and keep my hair clean longer by using shampoos specific for oily hair. The absolute best were these from Kloraine (I love this French product so much) and this solid shampoo from Lush.

This is my favorite Koraine shampoo in the line. It keeps your hair super clean for a long time thanks to the purifying properties of the nettle in it. While, as for the Lush solid shampoo you can read the review here.


I also discovered that my Dyson Airwrap helped me to maintain clean hair longer. The reason is because it uses less heat and I can swear that heat can make your hair greasy because opens you cuticles and keeps dirt in it.

Click here to read How Dyson Airwrap saved my hair!

When to use it.

In this post I told you about how much I try not to use Dry Shampoo. I have to be honest with you though, at home or when I travel, I always have a small bottle of this product with me because it could always come in handy.

That’s just the thing, you should only use it when you really need it, for example when you have an appointment in 10 minutes and your hair looks like crap. Instead, many of us also use Dry Shampoo simply to put off washing for a day.

If you can’t live without dry shampoo I really suggest you this one that is gentle, effective and cheap!

If you’re someone who washes it often and are looking for a solution to wash it less, you can try Co-washing, which is the practice of washing your hair with just Conditioner (instead of regular shampoo). It may seem strange, but conditioner also washes the hair in a much gentler way.  Precisely, It is because of the sulfates contained in the most common shampoos that irritate your scalp, which, in order to defend or repair itself, produces excess sebum, the cause of your oily hair.

Also very important, the day after the application of dry shampoo, you must wash your hair because this product on the skin, held for too long, can occlude the follicles of the scalp and thus lead to unwanted effects.

So I hope that by reading this post you will first of all try to wash your hair less and second but not least I hope you don’t abuse dry shampoo anymore. What can sometimes seem like a friend to us could turn into an enemy.

dry shampoo

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