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how tosleep better

Photo by Sincerely Media

Are you searching for tips and tricks that can help you sleep better?
Having a good sleep at night is essential for everyone’s life. At the same time, this is not an easy thing to do. Many people are constantly searching for tips to sleep better at night. If you have such problems you are definitely not walking alone. I think the majority of the population has this kind of sleeping issue.

During this lockdown, I started reading books about this topic because I wasn’t having a good sleep at night anymore, actually I was suffering from insomnia, but fortunately, after some researches, I have found the answer to this!

Obviously, the cause of this problem could be different for everyone but I’m sure we are doing the same mistakes that could be the reason of it. The key is to avoid them.


Having a good sleep, is the most important thing. We see a ginormous difference in our days when we had a good night sleep or if we haven’t.

It is proved that a lack of sleep, other than causing us to feel grumpy and nervous and not working at our best, can cause also serious, physical deceases such as obesity, diabetes and heart deceases.

How many hours of sleep do we need?

Some People need 8 hours some less or more. Other than the hours of sleep, it is also fundamental to improve our sleep quality.

About that, I’m sure that we are making , every day, the same mistakes and it would be the reasons why we aren’t having a good night sleep.

sleep better

Photo by Sincerely Media 


– Working out. 

The first thing that helped me sleep better has been working out. Since the start of the lockdown, I started working out at home. I found many You Tube pages full of amazing effective workouts (read about my YT workouts here).

It is proven that working out increases our deep sleep, that is the most restorative sleep of our cycle. My favorite workouts are the one from Pamela Reif!

Be aware that you have to workout at least 4 hours away from your bed time, otherwise it can cause an opposite effect.

I think this is the main thing that helped me with insomnia and, if you are not working out consistently, I really suggest you to start right now!

– Stay away from caffeine.

Try to take your last coffee/tea of the day at 4 PM. Caffeine, of course, won’t help you sleep. At the same time, If you particularly suffer from insomnia , I really suggest you to have your last one at lunch time. I know how hard it is to stay away from a good ol’ latte as a mid afternoon treat but try to go for herbal teas instead, they are tasty and also very good for your heath – my favorite one is this ginger lemon herbal tea– .

Related: Best relaxing home made drink


Turn off electronic devices.

Light exposure in general and blue light from electronic devices specifically, decreases the production of certain hormones such as melatonin that is fundamental to relax and sleep better.

So, avoid using your smart phone, tv or lap Tod at least 2 hours before bed time. Also, I suggest you to use glasses, if you wear them, with blue light blocking lens.

Sync your body.

Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. In this way, your body clock is synced and you won’t need an alarm. At night, your body will feel tired at the same time and you won’t struggle with insomnia anymore.

If you feel tired in the afternoon or before dinner, avoid taking a nap. If you do so, during your bed time you’ll feel energized and your body clock will be affected to it.

Make your bedroom a perfect sleep environment.

If your bedroom is a perfect sleep environment, your brain will understand it. Make it a peaceful and stress-free space.

It should be tidied, dark during bedtime and cool. If the temperature is too hot or to cold, you’ll be affected to it. Also, use your bedroom only to sleep. Don’t work, or do anything else apart from sleeping, on your bed. In this way, your brain, as soon as you see the bed, will enter in a sleep mode and it will be easier for you to relax and sleep sooner.

Also, I suggest you, to take a relaxing bath before bed time. I usually take a hot bubble bath with lavender epsom salt. Lavender is a perfect relaxing product. This plant’s aroma, it is proved to slow heart rate, slows blood pressure and puts you in a relaxing state.

If you want to go through the perfect combo, take a bath with lavender epsom salt, use a lavender body wash and moisturize your entire body with a lavender body cream and sip on this chamomile & lavender tea . Try It to prove it!



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