HOW TO PLAN YOUR BLOGGING WEEK to avoid procrastination

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If you’re wondering how to plan your blogging week to avoid procrastination you’ve come to the right place. You’ll find all the answers here.

Planning is the only organizational solution that really works. In our increasingly busy lives full of tasks that we have to fit in, planning is what will help you live a peaceful life and succeed in completing all of your goals and tasks.

Planning has helped me juggle a full-time job, studying and getting a degree (I will graduate in March 2022) and blogging which is my biggest hobby, along with working out.

If I just think that I can complete and do all of these activities at once I think: no it’s impossible. Instead it really is. Yet I am a very disorganized, non-precise, and messy person. Planning for me was very difficult at first because it didn’t fit with my usual lifestyle. Yet to this day, I am thankful that I decided to start planning my life and give myself some peace of mind.

Obviously along with planning we need to practice activities that we like. In fact, complete activities goals that there is grow personally is always much easier.

Read More: How To Drive Traffic From Pinterest To Blog

Plan Your Blogging Week


The secret is definitely to schedule in detail your tasks to be done ( also specifying the times when they should be completed ). I will show you in general how I usually divide my blogging activities during the week. Clearly, it also depends on the commitments I have such as work, free time for friends and time for myself.
Ps. apart from planning working week, I like to plan also few pauses to move my body and not being static for 8 hours in front a computer.

Let’s see in detail my blogging week!

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Usually Monday is the day dedicated to writing. I can’t really tell you why, but maybe after relaxing on the weekend, I am much more creative on Mondays and I always have new ideas for new blog posts. It is essential to find a routine and always publish posts on the same day. I really like to publish new ones during the first days of the week because I also notice that my audience is much more active on those days.

Sometimes I even try to write two or three posts so I can get ahead of the schedule.

Read my latest blog post here!


Tuesdays are also usually dedicated to writing and creativity. I typically finish or start writing new posts. I also enjoy creating new Canvas for Pinterest about my latest or upcoming blog posts. Mondays and Tuesdays are my favorite because I love writing and creating. Also on Tuesdays mainly, but also every other day, I use to engage with other bloggers. I especially love reading posts on Bloglovin (this is my profile) and commenting and chatting with other girls. I find that reading posts, especially of the bloggers I love to follow, is very important to get more inspiration, more creativity and above all spurs me to do better every day.


Wednesday is for improvement and modification.

It is the day dedicated to implementing and improving old blog posts. This step is crucial as it will help increase your SEO ranking. Also, the guides that you may have been able to write, over time can definitely be expanded upon by new experiences that you have had or your impressions of a product that you have tried and reviewed may change and it is okay to write about it.

For example, this is a post that I recently edited where at first I loved this product and after some time I was able to find some flaws.


This day is dedicated to improving the editing of other blog posts and especially dedicated to the creation of many new Canvas.
It may not seem like much of a day, but let me assure you that it’s a very time consuming and demanding activity.


Friday instead is dedicated to planning you the following week and especially the planning of my posts on Pinterest through the application Tailwind.


Are my days off. I usually just take some inspiration through social media (especially Instagram).

After my latest WordPress Redirect Hack (here is the post where I explain How to recover from a WordPress Redirect Hack) I realized that my blog is very important to me. I put so much effort into it during these years and I really wish to expand it one day.

Although blogging is a very time-consuming, challenging, and above all consistent activity, it is my favorite hobby. I do it with so much passion and I hope this will reach my readers.


How to plan your blogging week

How do you guys organize your blogging week?
Let me know in the comments below.

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